Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Of Muse, Anger, Change...LIFE!!

Aadila Blogs:

Well it is tough to explain to people why would a person want to embrace a particular faith. I don’t even see much sense in why would people want to know it either. What eludes me is why a reason as simple as “Learning about a faith, experience something new” cannot be good enough. Why does this incite reactions like “trying to make a statement are you?”, “ too jobless are you?”, “Have you lost it! “

Why is there so much criticism in people around? Why does everything have to have a reason that YOU can understand and why is CHANGE so difficult.

Why cant people change? Why do they have to be the same as they always were? Why cant things be undone/redone/done?

Well it could not have been better!  A perfect start, a lovely Arabic name, a conundrum to solve, and an experience to be had!

Friday, January 14, 2011


From being the rock in the jar to a pebble,
From being the fulcrum of the lever to the load that just enhances the effort required,
From being the one who is always the first to be informed to someone who is never informed,
From being the friend who you would kill for to the one who you so wished was dead,
From being the one without whom life was meaningless to someone who you wish you never came across,
From being that one constant support to the one constant regret.

Life comes one full circle!

From sunny days, to rainy patches to dry winters,
From blooming flowers to leaves that wither,
From being the one to live for, the primary reason
There always is a reversal of season!

Torn between love, affection, recognition, satisfaction
wants, beliefs, desire, imagination
its tough to be all that you would want to be
as there is a difference in each situation

Parents, family, interests, ideologies
is there ever a complete sync
from being the love of life, the one to have taught a gazillion things,
to someone who was nothing but all chatter , makes you realize it was nothing but a fling

When life comes engulfing all that u ever held dear
should you just let it go or fight you fear
questions in life are ever perplexing
answers in life never can be all encompassing.

HOnestly , "did it ever exist"...
feels like a terrible hangover!